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"Vaxxel is a start-up from Virpath, the virology and human pathology of the University Claude Bernard in Lyon (UCBL), France, and has been founded by Dr Manuel Rosa-Calatrava Co-Director of Virpath (Lyon), by Pr. Guy Boivin of the University of Laval (Quebec), and by Denis Cavert, President of Vaxxel."

"Vaxxel develops live-attenuated vaccines against Metapneumovirus and against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus based on the Metavac vaccine platform. This platform has been funded and licensed by Pulsalys and supported by Lyon Ingénierie Projets (LIP), a subsidiary of UCBL."

"Proof of Concept of the first monovalent vaccine candidate against the Metapneumovirus has been demonstrated on both animal and human ex vivo models. The company is a recipient of the 2019 i-Lab award, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in partnership with Bpifrance, and has also received “FrenchTech seed” label."

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