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Hillstream BioPharma

A biotechnology company developing novel therapeutic candidates targeting ferroptosis, an emerging new anti-cancer mechanism resulting in iron mediated cell death for drug resistant and devastating cancers.

Hillstream’s most advanced candidate is HSB-1216, an IMCD modulator, targeting a variety of solid tumors. The active drug in HSB-1216 was found to be efficacious in a clinical pilot study in Germany in devastating cancers, including triple negative breast cancer and epithelial carcinomas. Hillstream intends to start a clinical study with HSB-1216 in 2022 to expand upon the existing early clinical proof-of-concept.

Hillstream uses Quatramer, its proprietary tumor targeting platform, to enhance the uptake of HSB-1216 in the tumor microenvironment with an extended duration of action and minimal off-target toxicity. In addition, Trident Artificial Intelligence, Hillstream’s artificial intelligence precision medicine platform, is used to identify biomarkers in clinical programs to target a specific patient segment most likely to benefit.

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