BRIEF—Mixed ABPI response to Labour Party manifesto

21 November 2019

Trade group the British Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) says it welcomes today’s release of the Labour Party’s manifesto aspirations to improve patient access to medicines, to be at the forefront of scientific innovation, to raise R&D investment to 3% of GDP and to increase jobs in the pharmaceutical industry.

However, it does not believe that Labour’s aspirations can be realised if measures that damage the UK’s R&D ecosystem are carried out.

Mike Thompson, ABPI chief executive, said: “Whilst ambitions to improve patient access to medicines, increase jobs and raise R&D investment to 3% of GDP are welcome, these proposals will actively undermine achieving them.

“Overturning patents for breakthrough medicines and phasing out R&D tax credits and the patent box would damage the UK’s research base. This underpins thousands of highly skilled jobs and helps the UK to compete on the global stage.

“We look forward to working constructively with Labour to help them develop proposals that will meet their ambitions and help patients get access to new medicines.”