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A US biotech company developing a new class of immunotherapeutic vaccines.

The company is developing a new class of synthetic, peptide-based immunotherapeutic vaccines aimed at disrupting the existing treatment paradigm for chronic disease, increasingly dominated by monoclonal antibodies. According to Vaxxinity, these products suffer from prohibitive costs and cumbersome administration.

Vaxxinity's proprietary technology platform has enabled the development of novel candidates designed to bring the efficiency of vaccines to the treatment of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, migraine, and hypercholesterolemia. The technology is also implemented as part of a COVID-19 vaccine program.

In December 2022, the company announced positive Phase III topline data for its COVID-19 booster vaccine, UB-612. Approval from the UK and Australian regulators could enable Vaxxinity to market UB-612 in a number of low- and middle-income countries worldwide.

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