The Pharmaletter

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Servier Laboratories is a privately-owned French pharma company specialising in cardiological and rheumatological conditions, diabetes and clinical depression.

Servier Laboratories is a privately-owned French pharma company specialising in cardiological and rheumatological conditions, diabetes and clinical depression. It is the leading independent pharma company in France, and the second-largest French pharma company worldwide. Its notable products are Diamicron (gliclazide) for diabetes, diuretic Fludex (indapamide), Procoralan (ivabradine) for angina, ACE inhibitor Coversyl (perindopril), osteoporosis agent Protelos (strontium ranelate), antidepressant Stablon (tianeptine) and Vasteral (trimetazidine, an anti-anginal drug.

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