The Pharmaletter

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Prosonix is a UK-based company, developing a portfolio of inhaled “Respiratory Medicines by Design”.

Prosonix is a UK-based company, developing a portfolio of inhaled “Respiratory Medicines by Design”.

Prosonix’s ultrasonic particle engineering platform enables the control of physicochemical properties of the individual drug particles for a range of ICS, LABA and LAMA particles, which form the basis of its own development pipeline.

Prosonix is currently advancing its pipeline of generic, ‘super-generic’ and novel respiratory product candidates towards the market, representing near-, medium- and long-term opportunities.

PSX1001 and PSX1050, which are the first products to emerge from Prosonix' innovative and proprietary particle engineering platform, are being developed as generic versions to GlaxoSmithKline's pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDI) Flixotide and Flovent, respectively. Flixotide and Flovent contain the active ingredient fluticasone propionate, a potent inhaled corticosteroid, and are indicated for the treatment of asthma.

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