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An early-stage French biotech company developing a disruptive virus technology to treat multiple types of cancer.

Its proprietary technology is derived from the safe and highly immunogenic measles vaccine virus, which has clinically proven oncolytic potential.

The candidate, MVP 06-01, proved highly efficient in a panel of pre-clinical studies in vitro and in vivo. Not only does the virus specifically target and destroy cancer cells, but it also has the potential to elicit a strong and long-lasting anti-tumor immune response.

OncoVITA's initial clinical focus is the ovarian cancer resistant to chemotherapy.

In July 2019, OncoVITA entered into a licensing agreement with a center for biomedical research, Institut Pasteur, of which it is a spin-off,  granting it an exclusive worldwide license to develop, manufacture and commercialize therapies based on the immuno-oncolytic measles virus platform.

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