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Lokon Pharma

A Swedish biotech company developing therapies in immuno-oncology.

The company owns the LOAd platform of oncolytic adenoviruses genetically engineered to express immunostimulatory genes in the tumor and its stroma.

Its lead candidate, LOAd703 (delolimogene mupadenorepvec), is the first clinical candidate from the platform, expressing TMZ-CD40L and 4-1BBL, two potent stimulators of dendritic cells as well as T- and NK cell responses.

In July 2019, the company announced a collaboration with Roche on developing therapies for two cancer indications.

Currently, two trials are ongoing, evaluating LOAd703 in pancreatic cancer in the USA (LOKON001), and pancreatic, biliary, colorectal, and ovarian cancer (LOKON002) in Europe.

LOKON003, evaluating melanoma, will be initiated in 2019.

Lokon Pharma is a wholly-owned subsidiariy of nxt2b, a venture capital company in Sweden, that is focusing on growth equity investments in healthcare, medical devices and specialty pharmaceutical companies.

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