The Pharmaletter

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DepYmed is a joint venture between US biotech firm Ohr Pharmaceutical (Nasdaq: OHRP) and cancer research center Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), set up to develop trodusquemine and related analogs.

DepYmed is a joint venture between US biotech firm Ohr Pharmaceutical (Nasdaq: OHRP) and cancer research center Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), set up to develop trodusquemine and related analogs.

Trodusquemine is a selective, non-competitive inhibitor of the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTB1B), a well-recognized target for a range of therapy areas. The molecule has also shown to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and thus may be centrally active as well, opening a new range of potential indications.

The joint venture will be a private entity, initially with equal ownership by Ohr and Cold Spring. The aim is to take the trodusquemine program into the clinic and to demonstrate proof of concept. Various options to fund later stage clinical trials will be explored.

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