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Accelero Biostructures

A protein X-ray crystallography-driven drug discovery and structural biology solutions firm.

Founded in 2015, Accelero Biostructures provides high-throughput to pharma and biotech companies using its ABS-Service and ABS-OneStep  platforms. It seeks to speed up structure-based drug discovery and structural biology by resolving bottlenecks in the entire gene to structure process.

In September 2024, Mid-Atlantic BioTherapeutics (MABT) and Accelero announced a research collaboration to identify novel USP30 inhibitors targeting neurological disorders and other important medical indications. Accelero will use its novel and proprietary ABS-OneStepSM platform as the generation engine for drug discovery coupled with machine learning/artificial intelligence-based computational chemistry. MABT will perform all preclinical testing and will also assume advanced development of the resulting compounds.

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