Obituary – P Reed Maurer

2 September 2021

It is with much sorry that we announce the death, on August 30, of our long-time associate P Reed Maurer.

He fought and won several brave health battles in recent years, the end, however, was sudden and unexpected, his family has told us.

Mr Maurer, who was chairman of International Alliances Limited and has a background in big pharma management, ranked writing as one of his hobbies. This resulted in regular contributions to The Pharma Letter. His thoughtful insights and wit were appreciated by our readers and will be missed.

I have known Reed for nearly 40 years, and on my early visits to Japan, he made a great contribution to my knowledge and liking of the wonderful Japanese culture and cuisine, as well as helping me meet important people in the pharma sector.

Mr Maurer has lived and worked in Japan since 1970. He ran the Eli Lilly, then Merck & Co, operations in Japan until 1986. From 1987 to 1993 he represented the US PhRMA and founded International Alliances Ltd in 1989.

Our sincere condolences go to his family.

Barbara Obstoj-Cardwell

Managing editor

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