BRIEF—Swine fever in China has not impacted US heparin supply

8 October 2019

Manufacturers of the blood thinner heparin continue to report that African swine fever in China is not affecting manufacturing and distribution of the medication intended for the US market, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Heparin is used in many settings, including as a treatment for heart attack patients. It is also given to patients before and after certain surgeries to prevent blood clots.

The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in heparin is derived from pig intestines.

Because China supplies a large portion of the API, some people are concerned that the African swine fever outbreak might affect the availability of heparin.

The FDA immediately contacted heparin manufacturers that supply the US market to see if they were facing supply issues.

The majority of manufacturers reported no such issues related to African swine fever.

The FDA continues to be in regular contact with US heparin suppliers and manufacturers as this situation evolve