BRIEF—Record A$24 million for cardiovascular disease research in Australia

20 November 2017

The Australian government will invest a record A$24 million (~$18 million) to support landmark research into cardiovascular disease by The George Institute for Global Health.

With 4.2 million Australian adults having a disease of the circulatory system, including 1.2 million with cardiovascular conditions such as stroke and heart disease, research investment is critical.

This is National Health and Medical Research Council’s third largest grant ever provided for medical research in Australia and the largest investment in research on cardiovascular disease - a disease which many Australians do not know they have.

The $24 million investment will support research into a number of areas, including:

    • Finding better methods of managing stroke, including large scale clinical trials investigating the effects of blood pressure lowering in the prevention of stroke, and for improving outcomes in acute stroke patients, as well as new approaches to stroke rehabilitation.
    • Trials of new combination pills for blood pressure management, aiming to make treatment simpler and more effective for patients.
    • Whether specific blood sugar lowering medicines can prevent kidney damage and kidney failure in people with diabetes.
    • Investigating if modifying dialysis treatment, such as timing and dialysis fluid composition, can improve outcomes for people with kidney failure.
    • A new digital and interactive tool for GPs and their patients (HealthTracker) that is about to be trialled in 70 clinics across Australia.
    • A specific focus on improving the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in women. 

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