BRIEF—MA welcomes medicines shortages legislation in Australia

28 June 2018

Trade group Medicines Australia has welcomed the introduction of the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2018 Measures No 1) Bill 2018 into the Parliament today.

This legislation is the culmination of working together with the sector to review the issue of medicines shortages in Australia. The Medicines Partnership of Australia and a broader group of stakeholders, led by the Therapeutic Goods Administration have developed a comprehensive protocol, which is being implemented through this legislation.

This legislation will go a long way to ensuring there is timely and relevant information available on the supply of medicines, which will assist patients and their doctors (and other health care providers) to manage their treatment plans to receive uninterrupted care.

Health Minister Greg Hunt’s approach for sponsors to report information about those shortages that are of particular impact on patients, so that prompt action can be taken to address the needs of affected patients, is sensible and factors in the diverse needs of the supply chain. The legislation takes a balanced approach by focusing on the overall situation for a medicine's availability in Australia, says MA.

Medicines Australia, and the innovative medicines industry looks forward to the implementation of the legislation, and also working with the government and the broader sector to reviewing the causes of shortages with an aim to minimize or avoid supply interruptions in the future.