BRIEF—Lilly investing $72 million in diabetes manufacturing

23 October 2017

US pharma major Eli Lilly today announced plans to invest $72 million in an insulin manufacturing project at one of its Indianapolis facilities.

The investment will be used to replace an existing insulin vial filling line and allow Lilly to meet growing demand for its insulins - including Humalog (insulin lispro) and Humulin(human insulin) - while upgrading to state-of-the-art technology and preparing for its insulin pipeline.

"This new project is part of $850 million in anticipated US capital investments which Lilly announced in March of this year. It reinforces our ongoing commitment to the US market and in Indianapolis specifically," said David Ricks, Lilly's chairman and chief executive.

Lilly has invested more than $1.2 billion since 2012 to boost its US diabetes product manufacturing operations. More broadly, the company has invested $5 billion in its US facilities over the last decade. Continued US investment can be expected, particularly if favorable tax reform measures are enacted.

"The current US tax reform proposal, developed by the White House and congressional Republicans, would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent, put in place a territorial system, and maintain tax credits for research and development. If enacted, these proposed reforms would go a long way toward leveling the playing field for American workers and businesses competing against their foreign peers," said Mr Ricks.

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