BRIEF—32 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine for Mexico

9 September 2020

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, and Landsteiner Scientific pharmaceutical company have announced an agreement for the supply of 32 million doses of the Russian Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine to Mexico (25% of population).

Deliveries are expected to start in November 2020 subject to approval by Mexico’s regulators.

“Our Mexican partners clearly understand the advantage of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V compared to other vaccine candidates. In particular, they highlight a much greater safety track record of human adenoviral vectors versus novel technologies such as monkey adenoviral vectors or mRNA,” commented RDIF chief executive Kirill Dmitriev.

He continued: “Safety of human adenoviral vectors used in Sputnik V has been proven over decades in over 250 clinical studies as human adenovirus has been shown to be the safest and the most “organic for humans” vaccine delivery mechanism as human adenovirus coexists with humans for over 100,000 years. Unlike for well-studied human adenoviral vector there were no long-term studies for novel vaccines based on mRNA and monkey adenovirus. That is why a recent survey revealed that 66% of Mexicans express confidence in the Russian vaccine. We have agreed to deliver the large batch of Sputnik V vaccine to Mexico which will help 25% of the Mexican population to receive access to the safe and effective vaccine.”