Tissue Regenix

Tissue Regenix is a pioneering, international medical technology company, leading the development of regenerative products to make replacement body parts using biological (human & animal) tissues.

Tissue Regenix (AIM: TRX) was initially spun out of the University of Leeds in 2006, and within four years, had moved into commercialising academic research in regenerative medicine and listed itself on London’s AIM stock exchange.

The company’s patented decellularisation (dCELL) technology process involves the creation of biological scaffolds which are essentially inert. By removing DNA and cellular material from biological tissues,  the patient's cells can repopulate and colonize creating new, like-for-like tissue, which is recognized and accepted by the body, significantly reducing the risk of rejection, and stimulating a natural healing process.

The potential applications of dCELL are diverse and address critical clinical needs such as: wound care, heart valve replacement and knee repair. The company is currently focusing on three core treatment areas, through its TRX Wound Care, TRX Cardiac and TRX Orthopaedics divisions.

In early 2016, Tissue Regenix entered its first joint venture establishing GBM-V, a Tissue Bank in Rostock, Germany, granting it their first licence for the production of dCELL heart valves, and strengthening its presence within Europe.