The Pharmaletter

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ProMetic is a biopharmaceutical corporation with expertise in bioseparation and uses its own affinity technology for the development of plasma-derived therapeutics and orphan drugs.

The company is also active in developing its own novel small molecule therapeutics products targeting unmet medical needs in the field of fibrosis.

ProMetic could be eligible to receive a rare pediatric disease priority review voucher if and when its inter-alpha-inhibitor-proteins (IaIp) replacement therapy is approved in the USA. These vouchers have been sold on for as much as $350 million to other drugmakers.

In March 2018, IaIp was granted a rare pediatric disease designation by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), the most commonly-acquired gastrointestinal disease diagnosed in premature neonates and one of the leading causes of death in neonatal intensive care units.

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