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Parvus Therapeutics

Parvus is pioneering a new class of disease-modifying therapeutics – Navacims – that are designed to reverse autoimmune disease by selectively blunting the action of autoimmunity without impairing normal immunity.

Parvus’ therapeutic platform is based on the discoveries of Pere Santamaria, professor in the Department of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases and Julia McFarlane Chair in Diabetes Research at the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, Canada.

Dr Santamaria has published in peer-reviewed journals to show that Navacims can induce disease- specific regulatory T lymphocytes to re-establish the regulatory function of the immune system in preclinical models of a variety of autoimmune diseases.

In May 2019, privately-held Parvus entered into a worldwide collaboration and license agreement with Genentech, a subsidiary of Swiss pharma giant Roche, to develop, manufacture, and commercialize Navacim therapeutics for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune liver diseases, and celiac disease.

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