The Pharmaletter

One To Watch


Lyndra Therapeutics

A US biotech start-up focused on developing innovative long-term therapies for patients that currently have to take tablets every day.

The company aims to improve healthcare outcomes through oral, ultra-long-acting, sustained-release therapies that change how people take medicines.

Instead of taking medications daily or more frequently, doses would be administered weekly or monthly, improving medication adherence for better health outcomes and lower healthcare costs. Delivering controlled amounts of medicine would also reduce side effects and improve drug efficacy.

In July 2017, the company announced a partnership with Gilead Sciences, to develop and commercialize ultra-long-acting oral HIV therapies. Gilead will have exclusive rights to Lyndra’s therapeutics platform for ultra-long-acting formulations related to HIV.

The company also focuses on Alzheimer's disease, psychiastric disorders, transplant rejection, opioid use disorder and malaria.

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