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Lyell Immunopharma

"Lyell is addressing the unsolved problem of creating reliable, curative adoptive cell therapy for solid tumours."

"Lyell brings together an unrivalled scientific team with a collection of novel technologies aimed at tackling the three barriers to this unsolved challenge:

* Redefining the starting cell preparations for cell-based immunotherapy by taking a cell-and developmental-biology approach, following the decades-long work of two Lyell scientific leaders, Stan Riddell and Nick Restifo.

* Modulating T cells to maintain their functionality within the solid tumour microenvironment, with special attention to preventing, controlling and reversing the differentiation of T cells into dysfunctional states within solid tumors.

* Controlling the specificity and safety of solid tumour-directed T cells armed with TCRs, CARs or other targeting modalities using state-of-the-art protein engineering.

These three goals define the scientific triad of approaches that we believe will overcome the functional barriers to reliable and successful curative therapies. While we are focused on autologous T cells, we believe that we are developing technologies that will be useful to cell therapies broadly, potentially including allogeneic approaches."

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