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Kyalin Biosciences

San Diego-based Kyalin Biosciences is a privately-held company that develops therapies targeting the core symptoms of autism and related conditions.

San Diego-based Kyalin Biosciences is a privately-held company that develops therapies targeting the core symptoms of autism and related conditions.

Kyalin's lead product is a highly optimized intranasal delivery form of carbetocin, the latter a synthetic version of the natural occurring peptide hormone oxytocin. This asset represents a potential breakthrough treatment for the core deficits that characterize the autistic spectrum disorders. Intranasal carbetocin leverages the natural biology of oxytocin, the 'trust hormone' shown to promote affiliative behavior in studies.

In December 2013, USA-based Retrophin (OTCQB: RTRX) announced that it will acquire Kyalin Biosciences. As part of the transaction, Srinivas Rao, founder and president of Kyalin, will immediately join Retrophin as executive vice president, head of neuroscience with responsibility for central nervous system (CNS) drug development.

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