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InCarda Therapeutics

A privately-held, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing inhaled therapies for acute cardiovascular diseases and conditions.

The lead product under development, InRhythm, is an inhaled therapy to treat paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF), an atrial arrhythmia.

InRhythm is a new inhaled therapeutic candidate designed to rapidly deliver flecainide, a well-established antiarrhythmic agent, to the heart via the lungs, converting patients back to a normal sinus rhythm (NSR) and relieving symptoms following the onset of a PAF episode.

The therapy is being developed as a portable treatment that can be self-administered by patients in any setting to rapidly trigger NSR conversion, as well as for use under medical supervision.

The company was formerly known as Pleiades Cardio-Therapeutics. InCarda founded in 2009, is headquartered in California, USA and has an office in Melbourne, Australia.

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