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Genetic Immunity

A USA-based clinical-stage biotechnology company focusing on the discovery, development and commercialization of a new class of therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of chronic viral infections (HIV, HPV), cancer and allergies.

The company's proprietary immunotherapy platform technology is compsed of a plasmid DNA-based antigen, a nanomedicine formulation and a topical administration device that targets antigens to dendritic cells.

Its lead product candidate, a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, called DermaVir, is effective in boosting immune responses that kill HIV-infected cells. The preclinical, Phase I, Phase I/II and Phase II clinical trials have demonstrated boosting of HIV-specific T cells and specific killing of HIV-infected cells that are not eliminated by current antiretroviral drugs.

DermaVir has an excellent safety profile similar to vaccines used in healthy adults and children. The goal of DermaVir immune intensification is to modify HIV disease, decrease antiretroviral drug exposure while maintaining undetectable HIV-RNA levels, thereby achieving remission in HIV-infected patients.

Genetic Immunity's extensive pipeline consists of product candidates, a number of which have animal proof of concept, for example, for the treatment of chlamydia, called ChlamyDerm and the allergen-specific immunotherapy, called DermAll.

In mice experiments, ChlamyDerm has successfully decreased the amount of infected cells together with infection-associated inflammation, whereas DermAll decreased the allergic symptoms by balancing allergen-specific immune responses.

Its other pipeline candidates for virus-associated cancers, human papillomavirus, MAGE, allergies and more, are in discovery phase.

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