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Germany-based diagnostics firm Epigenomics AG is a molecular diagnostics company developing and commercializing a pipeline of proprietary products for the screening and diagnosis of cancer.

Germany-based diagnostics firm Epigenomics AG (ECX: Xetra) is a molecular diagnostics company developing and commercializing a pipeline of proprietary products for the screening and diagnosis of cancer.

Its products enable doctors to diagnose cancer earlier and more accurately, leading to improved outcomes for patients. The company's lead product, Epi proColon, is a blood-based test for the early detection of colorectal cancer, which is currently marketed in Europe and is in development for the USA.

Its technology and products have been validated through multiple partnerships with leading global diagnostic companies and testing laboratories. It has operations in Europe and the USA.

Products include the second generation Epi proColon colorectal cancer early detection assay, in lung cancer Epi proLung is used to test bronchial lavage samples marketed in Europe as a CE-marked IVD test and the lead program in prostate cancer focuses on the methylated PITX2 biomarker, which provides independent prognostic information in breast and prostate cancer.

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