EffRx Pharmaceuticals

A commercial-stage functionally integrated pharmaceutical company, based in Switzerland, that develops and commercializes niche and orphan medicines in Europe.

The company's business model is centered around providing superior clinical and commercial value propositions for physicians, payers and patients. EffRx aims to be the preferred accelerator for late clinical and regulatory development, approval, valorization of niche and orphan medicines in Switzerland and Europe.

EffRx seeks in-licensing opportunities for Europe in niche therapeutic areas, with a primary interest for rare diseases, where the company has received an orphan drug designation from the US Food and Drug Administration for a pipeline asset.

The firm's lead commercialized drug is Binosto (alendronate sodium effervescent), for the treatment of osteoporosis. The product is licensed in more than 50 countries and marketed in the USA, Europe, and selected MENA and Asian countries.