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DiaVacs is a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on curing auto-immune diseases.

DiaVacs is a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on curing auto-immune diseases. The proprietary technology it utilizes is designed to reinduce tolerance into the patient's immune system so that the cycle of autoimmunity is halted. The company’s goal is to demonstrate that once the autoimmune reaction is halted, early in the disease course, the remaining cells either regenerate or have enough cell mass and functionality remaining so that the disease progress is halted or cured.

Its first indication is Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM). T1DM, formerly known as juvenile-onset diabetes, is a condition that can occur at any age but predominantly affects children and adolescents, requires lifelong insulin injections and regular glucose monitoring. Precise insulin regulation and normalized glucose control remain elusive goals, and as a result, affected persons remain at risk for diabetes-related complications, including visual impairment, kidney disease, amputations, cardiovascular disease events and premature mortality. Historically, there are excess health care costs associated with this disease over the lifetime of affected persons, primarily due to management of late stage complications. T1DM disease is caused by the triggering of an autoimmune response against the beta cells of the pancreatic islets, which are destroyed over the course of several months, resulting in insulin dependency.

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