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Code Biotherapeutics

A US biotech company developing genetic medicines to treat and potentially cure serious and life-threatening genetic diseases.

Code Bio leverages its novel non-viral multivalent synthetic DNA delivery platform, 3DNA, which has been engineered to overcome many of the challenges inherent with viral-based delivery approaches including immunogenicity, size and delivery limitations, inability to re-dose, and manufacturing complexity.

The company is advancing an internal pipeline focused on select disease programs while also progressing collaborative partnerships taking forward additional programs in both rare and prevalent diseases.

In February 2022, Code Bio announced a collaboration and option agreement with Japan’s largest drugmaker, Takeda, potentially worth as much as $2 billion.

Through the agreement, the firms will design and develop a targeted gene therapy leveraging Code Bio’s 3DNA platform for a liver-directed rare disease program, plus conduct additional studies for central nervous system-directed rare disease programs. Takeda has the right to exercise options for an exclusive license for four programs.

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