Array BioPharma

Array BioPharma is US biotech company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of targeted small molecule drugs to treat patients afflicted with cancer.

There are nine registration studies currently advancing related to seven Array-owned or partnered drugs: binimetinib (MEK162), encorafenib (LGX818), selumetinib (partnered with AstraZeneca), danoprevir (partnered with Roche), ipatasertib (partnered with Genentech), larotrectinib (partnered with Loxo Oncology) and tucatinib (partnered with Cascadian Therapeutics).

In January 2018, privately-held French drugmaker Pierre Fabre and Array jointly announced Phase III data showing that their combination treatment of encorafenib and binimetinib almost doubles survival in BRAF-positive melanoma compared to the Roche drug Zelboraf (vemurafenib).