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Allergopharma, a unit of German pharma giant Merck KGaA (MRK: DE), is an internationally operating pharmaceutical company specialized in in-vivo diagnosis and treatment - specific immunotherapy (SIT) - of type 1 allergies.

Allergopharma, a unit of German pharma giant Merck KGaA (MRK: DE), is an internationally operating pharmaceutical company specialized in in-vivo diagnosis and treatment - specific immunotherapy (SIT) - of type 1 allergies.

Founded in 1969, Allergopharma is based primarily on hypoallergenic, high-dose products (allergoids) that can be used either preseasonally or perennially. The subcutaneous specific immunotherapy (SCIT) that Allergopharma offers includes a close patient-doctor relationship, patient compliance and a favorable cost-benefit ratio.

In December 2013, Merck invested in a new production facility for the Allergopharma unit in Reinbek near Hamburg, estimated to cost nearly 40 million euros ($54.7 million).The new facility will be used to expand production to serve new markets such as China. Products for the diagnosis and treatment of type 1 allergies such as hay fever or allergic asthma are to be manufactured under ultrapure, sterile conditions. Completion of the building is scheduled for 2016.

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