Acesion Pharma

A Danish biotech company pioneering first-in-class novel therapies for atrial fibrillation (AF).

Acesion's technology is based on research initiated in 2008 at University of Copenhagen and chemistry insights from the company Neurosearch. Acesion Pharma aims to develop more efficacious and safe drugs for the treatment of AF, the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia.

Acesion’s lead candidate, AP30663 IV, is a short-acting conversion therapy for hospitals that has completed a Phase II trial proving the value of this first-in-class mechanism in AF and thereby de-risking Acesion’s broader SK inhibitor pipeline.

The company's oral program is designed and engineered using in-house know-how to optimize for, and meet, very high hurdles in both efficacy and particularly safety where existing treatments fall short of patient needs. Acesion Pharma is backed by Novo Holdings A/S, Canaan, Alpha Wave Alpha Wave Ventures, Global BioAccess Fund, Wellcome Trust, Broadview Ventures and FC Capital.