BRIEF—Greek pharma industry urges digitalization

27 September 2021

In Greece, the government’s newly-appointed health secretary, Thanos Plevris, has met with the country’s leading trade group for the pharmaceutical industry.

The initial meeting with the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE), in which drug spending and digitalization were discussed, was said to have resulted in “a very constructive discussion.”

Reporting on the meeting, the SFEE said that Mr Plevris argued “interventions must be made, so as to restrain the course of the pharmaceutical expenditure.”

For its part, the SFEE argues for “a well-balanced policy mix,” creating sufficient funding for pharmaceuticals, an emphasis on digitalization, and a focus on securing innovative treatments.

The SFEE also wants “maintenance and improvement of investment incentives,” so as to promote the growth potential of the sector.