The Pharmaletter

One To Watch

George Medicines

A late-stage biopharma company addressing significant unmet need in the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases.

George Medicines was spun-out from George Health, and initially established to commercialise the research of The George Institute for Global Health, one of the world’s leading health research institutes. It utilises the research base and scientific expertise of The George Institute to pursue the late-stage development of its single-pill, multi-mechanism, combination therapies. 

The company takes advantage of the medical and clinical research expertise of The Institute and the expertise and capabilities of its contractual pharmaceutical and clinical development partners for the formulation, clinical development and registration of our portfolio. George Medicines also collaborates with Medisanté, a global innovator in medical IoT (Internet of Things), to enable seamless decentralised data collection.

George Medicines is backed by leading life sciences venture capital firm Brandon Capital, whose expertise is directed toward supporting its portfolio companies along the path to commercialisation and Brandon BioCatalyst, the largest life sciences investment fund in Australia and New Zealand.

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