BRIEF—US jury's $235 million GSK drug patent verdict reversed

29 March 2018

US District Court Judge Leonard Stark in Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday overturned a US jury’s verdict, releasing Israeli generics giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries from a $235 million verdict over its generic version of GlaxoSmithKline blood pressure drug Coreg (carvedilol).

Judge Stark ruled that the evidence did not support the jury’s finding in June that Teva sales of a generic version of the drug caused doctors to infringe GSK’s patent.

In June 2017, the jury had awarded GSK $234.1 million in lost profits and said the drug company deserved an additional $1.4 million in royalties. It also had rejected Teva’s contention that the patent was invalid, a decision Judge Stark did not overturn.

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