BRIEF—Boost for India as China removes import duties on 28 meds

7 May 2018

China has removed import duties on as many as 28 medicines, including all cancer drugs, from May 1, a move which would help India to export these pharmaceuticals to the neighboring country, according to The Times of India and other local media.

"China has exempted import tariffs (duties) for 28 drugs, including all cancer drugs, from May 1st. Good news for India's pharmaceutical industry and medicine export to China. I believe this will help reduce trade imbalance between China and India in the future," Chinese Ambassador to India Luo Zhaohui said in a tweet.

The development assumes significance as India has time and again asked for greater market access for its goods and services, including IT, pharmaceuticals and agriculture, in the Chinese market to reduce the widening trade deficit.

In the meeting of India China Joint Group on Economic Relations, Trade, Science and Technology, the issue of trade imbalance was discussed in detail.

China on its part promised to address the trade gap issue.

The trade deficit with China stood at $36.73 billion during April-October 2017-18, and was $51 billion in 2016-17.

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