BRIEF—Emergex inks R&D deal for novel vaccine

27 June 2019

Oxford, UK-based Emergex Vaccines has signed an R&D agreement with the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) in Singapore to develop a fully synthetic vaccine against human viruses that cause Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).

Emergex and IMCB will combine personnel and expertise to work collaboratively on developing the vaccine.

Emergex co-founder Storme Moore-Thornicroft said: "Compared to traditional methods, our technology enables development in a shorter time and at a fraction of the cost.”

“Our vaccines also benefit from microneedle skin patch technology, improving vaccine administration and uptake. Our vaccines are 100% synthetic so do not require refrigeration, enabling easier transportation – especially important in infrastructurally-challenged parts of the world.”

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