BRIEF—B-MS, BioLabs sponsorship in support of promising biotechs in New York

1 November 2017

US pharma major Bristol-Myers Squibb and BioLabs, a network of shared lab facilities for high-potential life-science start-ups, located in the nation’s key biotech innovation clusters, today announced Bristol-Myers Squibb as the Founding Sponsor of BioLabs’ newest location, BioLabs@NYULangone.

This BioLabs site was launched in partnership with NYU Langone Health.

As part of the agreement, for each year of active sponsorship, Bristol-Myers Squibb can nominate up to three innovative life-sciences and biotech start-up companies per year to take up residence in BioLabs’ facilities at 180 Varick Street in Manhattan.

The nomination process will launch in early 2018.

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